Quick note to all:
I wanted
to address this issue early on, because I refuse to let anyone taint my
discussions on the topics I will go over that concerns or addresses the Black
Americans or the fact that I target them as an audience, because all people are
welcome. I am targeting Blacks or people of color per Se, because there seems
to be a great awakening and a realization of who we really are as a nation in
general and as a fact. I simply want to journal and explain my discovery of
what I have learned over the past year and share some of the resources I have
I began this journey initially I could never have imagined the information that
would be given to me. It was something else. I could really appreciate it if
others who have resources that could help me or others in our quest that this
could be a place to share it. So the fact is, I do not care what race you are,
or who you are, please read and share. However, if you happen to be a person of
color, I want to open your eyes to your ancestry. You see the FACT of the
matter is this:
are the Hebrew's of the Bible
initial two blogs were written in order to lay a foundation, or at least a
starting point to my story. I was going to strictly use academic resources only
when I initially decided to begin this blog but I have had a change of heart
and will tell my story instead, along with academic resources, testimonials,
the Bible, and yes the Apocrypha.
up I have always had a great love for the Bible and the stories in it. When I
went to church it was always wonderful to hear stories about The Most High
(God), but you know what? I actually think I learned more about the stories in
Sunday School or watching Bible cartoons on TV. I also loved watching the
movies Hollywood would make depicting Bible stories, but as I began to read the
Bible for myself I began to realize they didn't always tell the story
to church, as I said I loved learning things about the Bible, but it never
seemed as if the Pastor would go deep enough into what was said in it. I used
to think to myself, and I mean as late as 2015, that I wanted to know so much
more. Why wouldn't the Pastor tell us about Abraham and where he came from.
Wasn't there more?
now I know there is, it's the Apocrypha. I was scared of the Apocrypha as a
Christian. I had not one, but many Pastors or ordinary people such as myself
say things such as, the Forbidden Books are good for reference because some of
the Prophets touched on their principles, but we must be careful of what we
read, because the Forbidden Books are not inspired by Yah (God). Well you know
what I have discovered, they all lied. The Apocrypha is the Word of Yah period.
I do not expect anyone to take my word for it but I know it's true.
you ever read the Bible and heard the phrases, is it not written in the Book of
blank, and thought to yourself the Book of Blank? Where the heck is that? Example;
Joshua 10:13 after the sun stands still, the Bible ask the question, "Is
it not written in the Book of Jasher"? Other Books have asked after
this Book of Jasher as well, 2 Samuel 1:18 or 2 Timothy 3:8 which takes a quote
from it. Also the Book of Enoch 2:1-2 is referenced in the New Testament in the
Book of Jude 1:14-15 and it is obvious that Christ knew the Book of Enoch
because a lot of what He said can be parallel to the Book. Examples; Matthew
5:5 to Enoch 5:7 & 6:9, or John 5:22 to Enoch 69:27 & 68:39, or
Luke 6:24 to Enoch 94:8 & 93:7. It is because these books have been
removed and as far as I am concerned, no man, or council, or scholars, or
Church Fathers had the right to pick and choose what Books they thought were
appropriate to make up the Books of the Bible.
see, the First Council of Nicaea (325AD), under the direction of Constantine
the Emperor of Rome, voted on which Books to include in the Bible as the
inspired word of Yah. So what that means they eliminated a number of Books they
felt were not necessary to make up the Fathers Word. When you actually examine
the Books they did choose, it becomes clear that there was a sort of agenda
behind the pickings. Books that seemed to draw or foreshadow the coming of
Christ are obvious, and the history of the world, laws, prophecy are there for
us to examine and ponder. However, when you really read the Apocrypha and
understand what it saying, the obvious reason that the majority of the Books
were not removed because they didn't feel they were inspired of Yah, they were
removed because they didn't like what Yah and prophecy had to say about them.
Yah condemned the Nations of the Earth, but the book's that were taken out of
the Bible so many years ago, talk about the people God will one day take His vengeance
on and He describes who these nations are, why he is going to take vengeance on
them, and how. The Apocrypha also gives a deeper insight into everything in the
Bible and answers the questions you may have asked yourself or wondered about.
thing is, that The Most High has never hidden anything from us. He has let us
know everything. From the fall of man, to Him choosing a people to be His own,
to the Hebrew's being slaves due to their worshiping of false gods, to His
people being taken to another land as slaves and becoming by-words. We even
learn how the Hebrew's will have their identities taken and another take their
place. Yet these books talk about The Most Highs offense about their
mistreatment at the hands of the other nations and how He will take His people
back to their land. So these books were taken out due to an agenda, but agenda
or not, Yah's Word will be carried out.
see it is clear that the Bible has been spun in order to make you think that
the Bible is for everyone, and it leads to every one's salvation. However, that
is not true completely. The Bible is not a religious book; it is a History Book
to a certain group of people. No one needs to be offended by my saying this.
It's not our fault that it has been pounded into our minds that the Bible is
for Christians and Jesus wants us all to love one another, believe in Him and
live with Him in Heaven for eternity.
truth is the Bible was written by Yah for His people as a History Book to
remind them of who they are, and that He has not forgotten them. It tells them
their history, why they are in their predicament, who is involved and how He
will bring redemption and closure.
want you to think about what I have just said, but I won’t leave you with
nothing to go by. When I said Yah wrote the Bible to His people only and that
it is not a religious book, I said that because it is true. Here are some
verses to show that Israel and Israel alone are Yam’s people. Not in order, but
read the verses and the ones that come before and after so that it is not taken
out of context.
Amos 3:2 The Most High is angry with His people and about to punish them, and
during Him pronouncing judgment, He lets them know that out of all the people
of the earth they are the only ones He has ever known.
Psalms 147:19-20 Yah only revealed His word to Jacob (who later became Israel).
15:24 Yahushua says that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel, not the nations
or the Gentiles
Matthew 10:5 When sending out His Disciples to preach the Gospel, Yahushua (Jesus)
tells them not to go to the Samaritans or Gentiles but to the lost sheep.
know that for some who are finding out this information for the first time,
that this all seems shocking and harsh. Like, what kind of God is The Highest?
How can He hate His own creation? Why would He single out only the Hebrews?
I am going to explain it the way someone explained it to me, because when they
did, I had my aha moment. You see The Most High does love His creation, from
the man He created, to the squirrel, to the tree. Man on the other hand
rejected The Most High over and over. Man did not want to follow His laws or
commandments, nor did he want to follow Yams precepts. The people at that time
wanted to worship false gods (fallen angels) that were on the earth at that
rejected God, so God rejected man. Every man was constantly evil and did what
they wanted to do, but God selected one group of people to put His name on and
to make them His own people forever. Now do not let this get you to become
discouraged because Yah still has plans for all but you have to get that
Christian way of thinking about it out of your mind. But until next time......
ponder and read up on what I have said, because I am only saying what I hear
the Bible saying.... Selah and think about that, leave something behind such as
resources you can share with us as well.
I go though, please know that when I first learned of some of this information,
it blew my mind for a long while. I had to find out on my own. As I said
earlier do not believe what I say, gather information on your own. I will place
a few YouTube videos below, so that you can get a better sense of History than
I am willing to write, seeing as it is so much.
[I do not necessarily agree with all of the video's I may post, but I do think
they are good starting points to start your own research.]
video gives a short history on the Hebrew people, this video can be found on
YouTube and it is by Kingdom Prepper's.
This next video can be found on YouTube as well by 7 Trumpets Preppers
This last video gives you a little more insight. It can be found on YouTube by: Quetzalcoatl
Lastly for now, here is another video from YouTube by Saved by Grace Productions:
Works Cited
A History of the True Hebrews
(Documentary)." YouTube. YouTube, 16 July 2016. Web. 29 Dec. 2016.
"The Ashkenazi and Khazarian Jews - The Truth Behind the Bloodline." YouTube.
YouTube, 01 July 2016. Web. 29 Dec. 2016.
"The Khazarian Conspiracy: Fake Jews of the Synagogue of Satan!" YouTube.
YouTube, 10 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Dec. 2016
Osiek, Carolyn,
and Leslie J. Hoppe. Anselm Academic Study Bible. Winona, MN: Anselm
Academic, 2013. Print.
Khazarian Conspiracy: Fake Jews of the Synagogue of Satan!" YouTube.
N.p., 10 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Dec. 2016.
" 7TRUMPETSPREPPER. "The TRUE Hebrew Israelites Defined by Scripture and
History. WARNING You Will Be Shocked!!!" YouTube. YouTube, 26 Sept. 2014. Web.29 Dec. 2016.
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