Sunday, February 12, 2017

We need to love one another.

Well, today was actually an awful day. Personal things but it progressed.

I went on Instagram today for the first time and unfortunately I still don't know how to use it, but probably better that I don't know how. Anyhow, I went on there to find Hebrew's to fellowship with, because it can get very lonely not having others to talk to about The Most High, and really I am still learning too. I just want to learn, and talk to Hebrew's who may know more than I know and that I can ask questions to.

Well I found something on Instagram and a post and thought they were asking a question so that we could have discussions and such but the answer I gave really ticked people off. The laughed, no big deal. They cursed me out and called me a Jezebel. Well, I actually tried to reason with them at first but it got out of hand, so I went off too. I've apologized to The Most High, but just a thought, how are people who are just finding out the truth gonna want to pursue the truth, if you cut them down and call them names? It's painful.... and I am pretty resilient, but I love my people and they can be harsh.

I am going to be like my Father and Savior, I am not gonna hurt anyone who disagrees with me. We had been talking about the subject of who Esau is, and I said that he was not the white man, because about a week ago I had prayed a sincere prayer to The Most High asking that question, at about 2:30 in the morning I woke up to a video playing on my YouTube (I go to sleep listening to Bible studies). Anyhow this particular morning a certain video was on, I listened and watched all of them from this young man. I am not saying he is correct, I am just saying he made sense.

(Disclaimer!) [I do not necessarily agree with all of the video's I may post, but I do think they are good starting points to start your own research.]

YouTube- Gdash The Prophet

 Esau is not the white man (1)

 Esau is not the white man (2)

Esau is not the white man (3)

There are two more in the series. Well, this is a young man but I thought his presentation was excellent and put together very well. I mean I still do.

Anyhow, they were not having none of that and it really made me feel bad. 

Yet, there was one young man in all those people who did not put me down. Instead, he gave me websites and classes online that I could take. An Israelite who reached out to me so that I did not feel alone. I am sure he loves Israel. So, if I say something you don't agree with, you can call me out on it, but don't be cruel. I promise I wont.

Works Cited

"GDASH THE PROPHET." YouTube. YouTube, 2017. Web. 12 Feb. 2017.

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