Friday, January 20, 2017

How to be a Hebrew?

Now this is not an official way to be Hebrew. This is my perspective on how I have chosen to be one.

My husband who is a good man and believe me when I say that I truly love him very much, but he is not a Hebrew, he is a gentile. Initially when I told him about the truths of me being Hebrew, he said it made sense but he would have to look into it himself.

It did not take him long. He accepted the fact that I, and the black people who's ancestor's were brought over here on ships, were in fact the Hebrew's of the Bible. A Gentile, readily accepted the fact that the so called African Americans were indeed the chosen and lost Tribes of Israel, in reality the House of Judah.

Now, how in the world have I decided to be a Hebrew. I have chosen to love The Most High with all of my heart and to believe Him with all of my heart and to trust His Son, Yahshua as my Savior. I now know that everything I ever believed in the past was all a lie. I was told that since Jesus died on the cross, all of my sins are forgiven, and that once saved always saved.

Well it is true that I am saved by the Grace of Yeshua (Jesus), but there are stipulations involved. For one, the law of the Old Testament was never abolished. We have always been required to follow the law. Haven't you ever read the Bible where Yahshua or the Father said it was an everlasting covenant or something was to be done forever? Well how long is forever? The answer is forever.

When I or others posted that question or others to those in leadership, we were always told that Jesus had done away with the law, that we were under Grace. We were also told that the Old Testament was actually for the Jewish people, not for the Church because we were under Grace from our Lord. Yet I always thought it was surprising how the Old Testament never applied to us, but Malachi 3:8 still held relevance. I think that is something else. Out of the whole Bible only the New Testament and Malachi 3:8 applied to the Church. Something just did not seem right.

I now know that was not right. The whole thing. I was a Christian and something did not seem right. The Bible that we were suppose to cherish so much had so many instruction in it that we did not adhere to,such as Jeremiah 10:1-5 where it says that we should not bring a tree from the forest into our homes and dress it up in silver and gold. To me that certainly sounds like that of a Christmas tree. Apparently they have been doing this for a long time and now Christians are doing it in celebration to the birth of Christ. We are not supposed to.

Also it seems that as a Christian, they picked and chose what was acceptable for us the Church do. They made us think we were free but the restrictions they placed on us was not freedom at all. It was more bondage. I see that now, I did not see it before.

I have chosen to be Hebrew by serving The Most High and following His laws to the best of my abilities. I have chosen Him as my King and not man. I have chosen to consult Him in all things of my life and to truly trust Him. I have had people of the Christian Church guilt me into changing my views on things in the past, but I have decided I don't care about their opinions. You see, I had decided I only wanted to sing or listen to Christian music and some of my musician friends would ask me, I hope you are not one of those people who only do the God thing and are not open to other music. Well dumb me, I said sure I can listen to other music, but I only said it not to seem so stuffy, because in my heart I did only want to listen to Christian music.

I am disappointed in the fact that I did not stand firm, but I was given another opportunity to do so. I had a agent and owner of a music company (a publisher) call me and ask me if I could write a song for one of their artist and that it would be a good opportunity for me, and I knew it would be, because one thing I do know, Yah has given me true talent and I can write a song. I told this gentleman no, I could only write songs that were for God. I think he was a little upset with me, but he respected my decision. I was relieved.

I have chosen to try to follow the laws in the Word, I am not perfect, but I am going to try. Follow the feast day's and celebrations He has told us about. It is important to our eternal souls. The things I keep messing up on, I believe that The Most High will get me through it, but I will do what He says, because it is in the Bible and His statues and opinions do not change, if He says they are everlasting then they are.Why are they not teaching this in Church? Because these people cannot truly know God or His Word and if they do, they have blatantly chosen to not tell us the truth so that many are on their way to the lake of fire and do not even know it.

To the Gentiles and Christians who are reading this and Hebrews. Come out of the ways of the world. Follow The Most High and believe on the one He sent, the Savior His son Yahshua (Jesus) because He does loves us, but He is going to judge us. You cannot sin and just think that your sins are under the blood and that is it, you must repent and turn away from your sins and do it no more. Walk with me, I know it can be hard to put into practice, I have some issues too, but I am going to try and do my best. I will post some things to get you started, but the thing is to start.

(Disclaimer!) [I do not necessarily agree with all of the video's I may post, but I do think they are good starting points to start your own research.]

Holy Feast Days compliments of the Hebrew Israelite Radio Talk show. Brother Jacob can be kind of harsh and probably will shock you if you listen to him, but he knows his Bible and loves The Most High. For Gentiles who listen to him, believe me when I say that he really, really sounds harsh when he talks about you, but he knows that The Most High is encouraging you to follow Him too and he would never turn anyone away from Him. The is a great start to learning who we are.


Here are a few Youtube videos from some of the channels I subscribe to. They really help me, because they go through the Bible. This channel is called Israels Church and they are my favorite on YouTube.

These are just a few, but swing over to their channel and there is so much more. The link to their channel is Israels Church.

Another channel I like a lot is  Honor and Humility STL

Works Cited
Bro. Jacob, Mr.Hebrew1. Yah’s Holy Days and “Appointed Times” for 2016 (2016): n. pag. MrHebrew1
                 Israelite  Radio Network, 01 Jan. 2016. Web. 21 Jan. 2017

HonorandHumilitySTL. "HonorandHumilitySTL." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Jan. 2016. Web. 21 Jan. 2017.

Reggie, Brother. "Israels Church." Israels Church. YouTube, 17 Jan. 2017. Web. 20 Jan. 2017.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cry Loud and Spare Not

Things That Make You Go Hmmm? (An opinion Page)

Well I left off placing an entry into my journal just before the Gregorian 1st of the years. During this period, I had a comment onto one of the video's I had posted. Honestly and no insult to anyone but I had a hard time understanding what the gentleman was trying to say to me. I think the gist of it was I should not believe every interpretation that the Holy Manuscript has been changed into, because there was the Greek, Roman, English, and of course different languages, so the interpreted Word could be flawed. 

Well just to be kind and get you to understand completely where I am coming from. Let me let you fully know where I stand as far as man is concerned. 

I have literally stopped and cleared my mind and asked? Where do you stand as far as The Highest (God) is concerned? For me, it is either black or white, there is no gray for me. If I am wrong in something, you better believe me that I will stop and listen to what you say before I make an informed opinion over a matter. I can change but it depends on where the change comes from. I had been a Born Again Believer since 1998 and there was nothing that could ever sway me to change my mind, because I loved Yahua (God the Father) and Yahushua (Jesus) with all my heart because I was in it till the end. However, I still had questions and things that bothered me.

For example: 1. How come every time a visiting pastor came to visit, he always had a word for the Pastor of that church, the Pastors family, someone on staff at the church, or one of the Pastors friends? To me that was so fake and disappointing, because if God was supposedly speaking to people in that church, why was it always the same old people all of the time?

2. Another thing, why would we read a scripture, if lucky 1/2 to 2, only to get a message about how Jesus or God wants us to prosper. I had always thought that it was salvation and leading us to Christ so that we could reconcile with the Father, as being the reason for Him coming. Paying our sin penalty and restoring Israel.

3. Favoritism- There was always an in crowd. My husband and I were always invited to become a part of that in crowd. However, we made a conscious decision early on, that we didn't want to be a part of that crowd, we just wanted to worship The Most High and His Son Yahushua.

4. Calling people out by preaching about them from the pulpit. I just had a great distaste for that. Whenever the Pastor was angry at someone, it seems a message about their offense made its way into the message for that day. I wanted to hear about Yah, everything I could about Him or His Son Yahushua but I did not, so it always bothered me but I wanted to remain faithful and I was. Just like a lamb about to be lead to the slaughter.

So I changed or rather if I want to be truthful, the Father changed me. For there is nothing that we can do within ourselves unless the Father calls us. You see, I don't care if the top greatest scholar in the world came to tell me about God and His nature, I wouldn't believe it. I know Him for myself and I think that only those who He reveals Himself to will even get it. So when people tell me that I am misinterpreting or misunderstanding the scripture, I am wise enough to hear what you have to say and flow with it after much prayer, reflection, and studying the scriptures for myself.

However, for anyone to tell me that the scriptures are misinterpreted or tainted, to you I say, who exactly do you think The Most High is? Do you think He is up there sitting on His throne wringing His hands because He is scared about the untruths being planted into His Word? If so, please stop now, because my ABBA is able to do all things, and He is the orchestrater of all things. The One I server is very involved with His Creation, especially when it comes to Israel. I completely respect and believe The Most High for all things. There is nothing hidden or done in open that He cannot see, or that was not asked permission to carryout unless it went by Him first.

So my thing is. I am a Theologian. I have been taught by the best Drs. of Law, Law and Medicine, and Jesuit Priest, at a prestigious college, that has an amazing Law, Business, Theology, Science, Math, and Music Departments, to name a few. I know what I am talking about. I am not a Catholic but I have been trained very well by them, just like Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego. Although those were not their true Hebrew names, those young Hebrew's learned everything their captor's taught them, but still held onto their faith.

I read a blog this week where the lady was very angry with Hebrews (Blacks), because they claimed to be the Hebrews of the Bible. She said that if we admired the Jewish people so much that we should get to know their culture and join them. I don't think people get it, because I am not trying to become a Jewish person so that I can attend their Temple, because I admire them so much. I am a Hebrew by blood, because the Torah or Bible tells me so

It is not a religious book. It is a History Book, telling me all about my ancestors, and through the prophecies written in it, it tells  me why I am in this place That due to the fact we rebelled, would not keep the laws, and worshiped false gods, The Most High punished our ancestors and fulfilled the prophecies in Deuteronomy 28. However, the prophecies also reveals the fact that the Most High is coming back to get me and the rest of the remnant. 

Now the reason that I am writing this blog today is because I know who I am, and I know where I come from originally. I can't go back in history and tell you my great-great grandmothers name, because unfortunately as a great-great grandchild of former slaves, we don't have that luxury. Yet I don't need (although well intended) people trying to tell me who I am. Just like you can trace back your heritage, so can I to a point. I am not ignorant, nor am I in a cult. I believe in a God who is fully capable of leading my life, and wise enough to already know what has happened in it. I am just walking it out.

Just an opinion today.
From what I understand in prophecies, everything will eventually be revealed. We will all be enlightened about certain lies that we think are truths. I have always marveled at people who think they know the answer to every situation or subject there is. Well, I will let you know right now that I do not know the answer to every subject, but I sure am learning about the ones that are important to me.